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  关于”足球运动规则“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:The rules of football。以下是关于足球运动规则xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

  Kick off, bicycle kick, Chester corner kick, corner kick, earth ll handball, header penalty, penalty kick, free kick, thw ball handling, block tackle, physical examination, bull fair charge, chest man to man defense close pass, short pass, continuous pass deceptive action diving header flying body dbble, fingertip save ball clean, s the wing pass high dp pass scissors pass the tangle pass Rolling pass, gund pass, sliding tackle, close foot shot, close shot, long-range shot, overhead offside pass, receiving point, circle ball interception and breakthugh, breaking the door, contlling the midfield scattered defense, setting up a wall and setting a speed block to break the ball skills, fully open the football offside trap, side attack tacti, waste of time war, Brazil formation, fo back , red card and yellow card.



  In my school, football is a kind of goal sport that is usually played outdoors. It is also called football in than countes. It is the most popular international sport so far.大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!

  Players of o opponents play on the same field, preferably one yard wide and eight feet high. The goal of the is to push an inflatable ball into the opponent's goal (worth one point, The ball is kicked out (usually a short leg dbble), or pushed by the head or other parts of the body, but only the goalkeeper can use the rules of his hand, violating the rules and csing the opponent to free kick. The first recorded football match took place in England in AD.

  by the th centy, the annual "Tuesday match" had become a regular in the centy. The sport was impved and only focused on kicking. It gained great populaty after it spread fm England to the Eupean continent.大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!

  The highlight of international competitions is the World Cup held ry fo years.



  Football is the most popular and influential sport in the world. It is known as "the first sport in the world". Many countes regard football as an exciting football match of "the state of the ball".

  It attracts thousands of spectators and dreds of millions of TV viewers The important content of information has been reported in vaous newspapers and peodicals, occupying the world. In today's people's life, football has become an indispensable part of the confntation beeen football and the players. In the rules of the , a vaety of actions are allowed, including running, stopping, tning, falling to the gund, jumping, collision, etc There are a lot of venues and any other sports.

  Football is a traditional hexagonal skin and hexagonal skin football , which is divided into human, human, human age, Olympic gup and , etc.


  足球运动主要以脚为主,在同一场地进行两支球队攻防运动足球是世界上最受欢迎和进行范围最广、影响最大体育项目,被誉为“世界第一运动”,许多国家将足球视为“球状态”一项激动人心足球比赛,吸引成千上万观众和数亿电视观众成为足球重要内容,在各种报纸和期刊上都被报道占领了世界,报道足球在当今人们生活中已经成为足球运动对抗、与运动员们不可缺少组成部分在比赛规则中允许使用多种动作,包括跑、停、转、倒在地、跳跃、撞车等,与对手激烈竞争对手比赛时间长、观众多,而比赛场地、以及其他任何运动项目足球都是由传统六角形皮肤和六角形皮肤组成足球比赛共分为人、人、人年龄有u u u u组和等:uu u u大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!。

  标签: 新学期 



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